Veneers Versus Crowns: What Do Local Dentists Recommend?

When local dentists discuss the design of a smile, they don't just take the aesthetic aspect into account. Yes, a beautiful smile is indeed important for a number of reasons:

> Gaining more confidence in your everyday life
> Getting over the anxiety and social stigma of having bad teeth
> Having all-around good health

But ensuring proper tooth function is equally important. After all, you won't be able to fully enjoy having a Hollywood smile if you can't eat properly because your tooth crown is placed too high, for instance.

Generally speaking, dentists look at a few different factors to determine whether a patient needs veneers or crowns. Read on to find out what would be the best treatment for your particular situation.


As we mentioned above, we look at a few variables when deciding on a treatment. In general, local dentists will observe the following:

> Your bite
> Signs of tooth wear
> Existing decay

Most often, veneers are the preferred treatment. They are considered the more "conservative" approach.

Why? When getting crowns or veneers, practitioners will need to remove part of the tooth to make room for them.

With veneers, your tooth's natural structure is not affected that much. If your teeth are straight and healthy, the dentists will have plenty of tooth structure to work with.

This option is also recommended for patients NOT affected by TMJ or bruxism (clenching of the teeth during sleep).

A good dentist will know whether you are a viable candidate for veneers or not. Read on to find out what you need to know about crowns.


Full crowns are only used in cases where the tooth structure is severely affected:

> If your teeth are very thin
> If your teeth are worn or chipped
> If they are exposed with decay

You might also have to consider crowns if your teeth are not very straight.

Some of you may have undergone multiple procedures on the same tooth. If you have a very old filling in one, for example, crowns are a better solution than veneers.

In general, if you underwent a root canal treatment, it's better to follow this option.

In the end, you can gain much of the same results as with veneers. The only question which remains is whether you are a viable candidate for the procedure.


After you have received the information provided for each treatment, it is then up to you to decide which one you prefer.

If you still have doubts about which treatment option to choose, your dentist can help you come to a decision by asking you a few questions. There always are differences between cases which shouldn't be ignored and your dentist can help you arrive at the right decision for your personal situation.

To clear any hesitations you might have, it is necessary to get a consultation.

No well-qualified dentist will take you in for the procedure without a consultation. Those of you who have undergone multiple procedures will understand why that is so.

Don't waste time pondering which option to get, though. The sooner you visit a practitioner's office, the higher the chances to save the tooth.
